At Toucan Hosting security is our number one priority!
Server Security
We go to great lengths to make sure our server is totally secure, as it is the most critical issue to any businesses that conducts their operations online. Web servers are the most targeted public faces of any businesses.
Engineers perform regular performance audits, and security audits, where they systematically scan for vulnerabilities in the system and service settings. Anti-malware and rootkit detection tools are used to make sure the server is not infected in any way. This includes log analysis to find attack patterns, hardening to mitigate specific threats (eg, authenticated spam), and updating firewall rules to effectively defend against all such attacks.
Website Security
Securing any website or web application is just as important as securing the server that the website is on. If you have a secure server and still have an insecure website it still puts your business at risk. At Toucan Hosting we insist that all websites are also totally secure. If you have a WordPress application, we have the right security and firewall package which will bring your website security to a whole new level. It reduces security risk by checking for vulnerabilities, and by implementing and enforcing the latest recommended WordPress security practices and techniques.
Some of the features include the following:
- User Accounts Security
- User Login Security
- User Registration Security
- Database Security
- File System Security
- htaccess and wp-config.php File Backup and Restore
- Blacklist Functionality
- Firewall Functionality
- Brute force login attack prevention
- Comment SPAM Security
- Front-end Text and Image Copy Protection
Toucan Hosting will install this security and firewall package at no extra charge
WordPress Security
A whopping 83% of all hacked WordPress websites were not updated!
To keep WordPress secure you must:
Stay Updated with any New WordPress Releases – You must keep up with any major releases and any security releases.
Stay Updated with any New Theme Releases and any New Plugin Releases – These are also vital to your website’s security.
WordPress, Theme, and Plugin Authors release a bug report when they release their new versions, this tells everyone what they have fixed or what security hole they have patched, and of course if you are a hacker, you now know what flaws any earlier version has, and now have instructions on how to hack in!
Every WordPress installation on the Internet will have at least 40 or more attempts by bots to hack into the control panel every day. Not only is there a risk of your website being hacked, but these automated bots are also using up valuable resources in their attempts.
Toucan Hosting will make sure that your WordPress application as well as the database is backed up , and your theme and all your plug-ins are always the very latest and always up to date.